M |
Nutritionists often group nutrients into two subclasses, called macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients refer to those nutrients that form the major portion of your consumption and contribute energy to your diet. Macronutrients include carbohydrates, fats, protein, and alcohol. Sometimes water is also considered to be a macronutrient. All other nutrients are consumed in smaller amounts, and are labeled as micronutrients. |
Magnesium |
Magnesium is an essential mineral for the human body. It is needed for protein, bone, and fatty acid formation, making new cells, activating B vitamins, relaxing muscles, blood clotting and forming adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The production and use of insulin also requires magnesium.
Under certain circumstances magnesium has been found to improve vision in people with glaucoma. Similarly, magnesium has demonstrated an ability to lower blood pressure |
Maltitol is a sugar free, reduced calorie sweetener made from corn. It has a sugar-like taste and sweetness. Maltitol has about half the calories of sugar and is useful for making a variety of sugar free and reduced calorie foods. |
Manganese is an essential trace mineral that is required in small amounts to manufacture enzymes necessary for the metabolism of proteins and fat. It also supports the immune system, blood sugar balance, and is involved in the production of cellular energy, reproduction and bone growth.
Manganese works with Vitamin K to support normal blood clotting. Working with the B-complex vitamins, manganese helps promote a positive outlook when faced with stress, frustration, and anxiety. |
Mannitol is used as a sweetener for people with diabetes. Since mannitol has a negative heat of solution, it is used as a sweetener in "breath-freshening" candies, the cooling effect adding to the fresh feel. In doses larger than 20g, mannitol acts as a laxative, and is sometimes sold as a laxative for children. |
Melatonin is perhaps the most widely recognized sleep ingredient for its ablility to regulate the bodies sleep cycles, Melatonin is fondly referred to as the “all-natural nightcap”. Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland and is known to aid biorhythm regulation which determines sleep patterns. Research also suggests Melatonin is a powerful natural antioxidant. Since the body’s production of melatonin decreases with age, it is necessary to supplement with high quality products such as MySleep. |
Menadione was formerly sometimes called vitamin K3. Despite the fact that it can serve as a precursor to various types of vitamin K, menadione is generally not used as a nutritional supplement. |
Methionine is an essential nonpolar amino acid, and a lipotropic. L-methionine is a protein amino acid. It is classified as an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied in the diet. n addition to its role as a precursor in protein synthesis, L-methionine participates in a wide range of biochemical reactions, including the production of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM or SAMe), L-cysteine, glutathione, taurine and sulfate. |
Microgram (mcg)
Microgram is a unit of measure equal to one one-millionth of a gram (g). |
Micronutrients are essential elements needed for life in small quantities. They include dietary minerals and Vitamins. |
Milligram (mg)
Milliogram is a unit of measure equal to one one-thousandth of a gram (g). |
Monosaccharides are simple carbohydrates that consist of a single sugar molecule. Examples include glucose, fructose, and galactose. |
Monounsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated fats are fatty acids with one double-bonded carbon in the molecule, with all of the others single-bonded carbons, in contrast to polyunsaturated fatty acids which have more than one double bond. Natural sources of monounsaturated fat include avocados, canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil and other nuts, safflower oil, sesame oil, sunflower oil, etc. |
MSM, (Methylsulfonylmethane or dimethylsulfone) is an organic sulfur compound belonging to a class of chemicals known as sulfones. It occurs naturally in some primitive plants and is present in small amounts in many foods and beverages. MSM provides sulfur, a vital building block of joints, cartilage, skin, hair and nails, and methyl groups, which support many vital biochemical processes in the body, including energy production. |
Mucuna Pruriens
Mucuna Pruriens is also called the velvet bean or cowhage, this plant extract acts as a natural neurotransmitter in the brain and increases the brains dopamine levels which are essential in order to regulate sleep cycles. Mucuna Pruriens is popular in its use with patients who suffer from ADHD and Parkinson’s Disease because it has been shown to balance the brain’s activity in order to improve mental clarity, concentration, and improved memory. |