Forty Five. |
I started with Natasha off-camera during lockdown when my husband was training with her.
I never saw myself taking one to one classes with anyone. Having not exercise for years, it made me feel too under the spotlight. After lockdown, I braved it to the park and joined Natasha in person.
After a few sessions with very achy, newly woken up muscles, I could feel the benefits. First in my head, then my body (heart, lungs and muscles!). Now it is very much part of my week and I am so happy I made the choice to have a healthy habit.
Natasha’s skill is how acutely aware she is of what is best. She clearly judges my optimum moment to either go on/take a breath/ repeat . She is that great combination of incredibly professional and kind. A wealth of information flexible so that sessions vary with new exercises can be a challenge.
The holy grail for me is having a park session in nature and a strength / weight / conditioning session online.
Thanks Natasha
Forty Four. |
I have trained with Natasha for over 12 years on a weekly basis. The 12 years has spanned the post birth of my 3rd child to a now busy life with 3 teenagers & working. I'm very happy that I invested in having this time with Natasha to keep fit and healthy consistently over a decade. Whether I was at times too tired to motivate myself, training for a specific physical challenge or recovering from the occasional unexpected operation Natasha has navigated me through safely with her extensive knowledge. I look forward to our sessions, which are always varied, and trust Natasha implicitly in knowing what is needed. Natasha makes it easy to commit to putting fitness into your life.
Forty Three. |
I have lost 5 and a half stone and dropped 3 dress sizes! 18 months ago I found walking a mile to the train station hard work and in September this year I walked the 50k Thames Path Challenge and raised £1800 for The Alzheimer's Society.
So how did I make the change? I have struggled with my weight for all of my adult life and thought I would never manage to lose weight and get fit. The big turning point for me was dramatically changing my diet which meant going completely gluten free and including only limited amounts of dairy products along with general healthy eating - lots of fruit and veg, lean meat, nuts etc Having said that I am no Puritan and still include a few gin and tonics at the weekend! I increased my early morning fitness plan to include Boot Camp two or three times a week, swimming twice a week and a Nordic Walking session at the weekend. I find that at Boot Camp the personal trainers positively encourage you to work hard and retain motivation so you can improve. I have gone from over 4 minutes for my time trial to under 2.5 minutes. I have poor co-ordination and balance so I am not a natural athlete and was terrible at sports at school. What I love about Bootcamp is that you can work at your own pace as it' a graded exercise system for all abilities. I really enjoy being outdoors and seeing the beautiful early morning skies over the Heath which are different every day (even on rainy days it really is not so bad once you get going) Being in the open air is excellent for Vitamin D and general wellbeing and stress management. - There are lots of laughs to be had training as a group rain or shine. Bootcamp was the first fitness activity that I managed to keep going with over an extended period having tried and failed with many others.
So whatever your level of fitness I would encourage you to give Bootcamp a try - you won't regret it
Forty Two. |
Training with Natasha is inspirational. I have been training with Natasha since 2010, I started with her boot camps which were a fantastic way to end a stressful day. After a tennis injury I started with her as a PT - she's fantastic. She trained me through training for the London marathon and made the whole process enjoyable and challenging, she manages to motivate me when training with a slight hangover and absorbs the two fingered salute with a grin.
I cannot recommend her enough for whatever it is you want to achieve ... a marathon, recovering after an injury or a general increase of fitness. I always leave the session smiling and feeling both physically and mentally better. Thank you Tash.
Forty One. |
We'd like to thank Natasha for giving all our Go Dad Runners such a great warm up ahead of our charity 5K run for men and boys in Southwark Park on Father's Day. With all the proceeds going to Prostate Cancer UK it was essential to have them loose and limbered up before the start, and Natasha's fun and energetic workout put our ambassador Mark Foster and all the guys in the perfect mood!
Go Dad Run.
Forty. |
I had been curious about joining a boot camp group for a while. I tried (and failed) to persuade friends to do it with me, so I decided to proceed on my own. I am SO GLAD that I did!!!
Although I have never attended a gym in my life, I felt as though I had a reasonable level of fitness having lost weight through changing my diet and doing lots of walking and stationary cycling over the past year, but when I started bootcamp, I realised that there was much room for improvement in terms of my stamina and strength. After the first session, I felt drained but exhilarated-I had been working my body in ways I never have before. I have to admit to experiencing some impressive amounts of muscle soreness during the first week, but from the second week onwards, this was never an issue again.
The sessions are approximately 45 minutes in length, and always varied and challenging. It is brilliant to be able to exercise in the open air with people, whatever the weather. I have enjoyed discovering my strength and development areas and working hard to improve these further. I joined up with the 6.00am group and felt highly motivated throughout the four weeks-waking up and walking the mile from home to Blackheath for the start of the session was never an effort, as the great sense of achievement as the end of each session and knowing that I was another step further forward in terms of reaching my fitness goals was rather addictive!!
Attending bootcamp has shown me that whatever stage you are at in terms of fitness, there is always scope to improve and challenge yourself I would encourage anyone to give it a go - put in the effort and you will definitely surprise yourself with what you can do and how you progress. I shall certainly be going back for more!
From Camilla.
Thirty Nine. |
Having been recommended by my niece, I joined Natasha’s bootcamp over 2 years ago and have found this to be a great way of exercising compared to having a gym membership. It is well worth the value. I have been a member continuously since joining, having a few months break in between. I find her sessions to be very effective in losing weight and keeping healthy. Exercising in the open air on the Heath, whether rain, snow or sunshine, is very rejuvenating to the body. Natasha makes sure every session and exercise is catered to your capacity and your own ability. I highly recommend Natasha’s Bootcamp, and I look forward to continuing to be a regular bootcamper - Xuan
From Xuan.
Thirty Eight. |
I've been attending Natasha's bootcamps for about 2 years now, pretty much non-stop. Most people tend to do a month or two here and there but I can highly recommend regular attendance. The timing works perfectly for me as I'm a home worker and living close to Blackheath helps of course. I've joined gyms and never kept it up, I've tried other forms of exercise but these sessions have been the only thing I've stuck to.
I'd say that the progressive nature of the sessions is what works best for me. Bootcamp is unlike some other, larger outdoor group activities I've tried, no names, no pack-drill as the saying goes! Although great exercise you get whatever type of session that particular trainer decides on at the time, regardless. Natasha's 4 week programme is carefully designed to work different parts of the body each session. So, you won't get loads of running on heavy legs from the previous session, you'll do more upper body, abs etc.
I broke my leg in the summer whilst on holiday but will be back out on The Heath in the new year for sure.
From Spencer Baldwin.
Thirty Seven. |
I passionately recommended Natasha's services and outdoor bootcamps in general to all my friends, it's a great, sociable way to exercise and while being outside in the fresh air. Sky gazing during your press-ups is hugely gratifying. I found out about Natasha's Blackheath Bootcamp through the internet and after quite a few costly but utterly unexploited health club memberships, I find this real good value for my money. I have trained almost a year with her now and found the training to be very effective and fun and will greatly miss it now that I'm moving away.
From Nina Schermer.
Thirty Six. |
Thanks for all your support and encouragement over the years Natasha, you have planted a seed in me, my family think I am mental now!
From Lou.
Thirty Five. |
I've been wanting to get fit for a long time but have struggled to find the motivation and a suitable place to exercise as I always find an excuse not to go to the gym!
I signed up for the boot camp having received a flyer through the door. It has been absolutely amazing. The 5.30am starts for the 6am bootcamp were difficult to get used to at first but it's lovely getting back home knowing I've already done some exercise before starting my day. Natasha is great at encouraging us all to push ourselves and achieve our best.
I've also changed the way I eat, cutting things out like chocolate and crisps which I used to snack on. Natasha has been great at suggesting new breakfasts and healthy snacks which have really helped.
The highlights from the past month have been not having to jump into my jeans in the morning to get them on, meeting friends and them not recognising me at first, as well as beating my time trial in the first week by 19 seconds in the last session.
I feel like my lifestyle has changed for the better drastically since I've started the bootcamp and feel better both mentally and physically. I've already signed up for next month and cannot wait!
From Hattie Jackson.
Thirty Four. |
What really set Boot Camp that, being outside, we could include a bit of sprinting in the workout. I hadn’t run flat out for ages and I found it so exhilarating compared to being cooped up the gym or my usual plod around the park
From Jonathan Letchfiled .
Thirty Three. |
Natasha's bootcamp is addictive! I'm on my third one and have already seen great results in my stamina, my body strength and the best of all , post- pregnancy weight loss! Having had my second child in early 2011, I was determined not to hold onto the excess weight and wanted to start an exercise venture that fitted into my lifestyle/family routines, in a group format, at an affordable price and with a trainer that could push me to work harder. I attend the 6am class and even though it can be hard waking up early, that initial feeling is shortlived as I set off to the bootcamp ready for action. Blackheath Common is beautiful and peaceful at that time of the morning - a perfect place to exercise. Even though there are many of us in the bootcamp, Natasha is aware of how each of us are getting on in different aspects of the training and pushes us to achieve better results. If you're reading this and you're unsure if it's for you then I would suggest you try one of the bootcamp taster sessions she runs regularly...... go on, it's definately worth a try!
From Rekha Dove .
Thirty Two. |
Since university I have been exercising, on and off, for over 15 years but have often suffered with a lack of motivation to knock out the miles on a treadmill, and have found one to one personal trainers can become expensive.
Natasha is friendly and welcoming from the moment you meet her and she takes a keen interest in your individual goals so that, despite being in a group format, she is able to set the pace to achieve your specific targets.
The training is a combination of strength, pace and stamina, with a programme that accelerates quickly from a basic introduction through to some very challenging sessions as the weeks progress. However, Natasha’s real skill is in ensuring that those looking to take it slow can perform basic exercises while those determined to push themselves beyond the limit find the exercises getting harder and harder. The time trial at the start and end of each 4-week session provides both the motivation to do better and a reward for all the hard work, as you attempt to better your earlier result.
She pushes you just beyond your comfort zone, without ever losing that personal touch, and in 3 months I feel stronger and fitter and look more toned than ever before.
In summary, Natasha’s bootcamps can provide a challenge to everyone, to both sexes, at all levels of fitness and her class members are reaping the rewards of her progressive fitness programme.
From Lynden Howie.
Thirty One. |
A wonderful exercise programme on the beautiful green space that is Blackheath. Natasha is a thoughtful and encouraging personal trainer who has designed a bootcamp regime to suit all levels of fitness. She is careful of injury, positive in outlook and gets great results. It is all a fun experience with a lovely trainer.
From A summer 2011 client.
Thirty. |
I was diagnosed with high blood pressure two years ago and felt it was time to get off the sofa!. My girlfriend had already attended Natasha's boot camps a year or so earlier and when a flyer came through the door advertising her boot camps it was really fate!
We attended the boot camps for over a year and while the cold winter months were a struggle, watching the sun rise over Blackheath was a view to behold as the mornings became brighter. Natasha's constant enthusiasm and motivation ensured that time passed quickly and we returned for more! The best part of the boot camp was that we saw results every week and met new friends. Say hello to everybody!
From Gary (and Emma).
Twenty Nine. |
I have been exercising in some form or other - jogging, yoga, personal trainer, gym everything - for years, so my relative level of fitness was not too disastrous when I started Bootcamp in January 2011. But what a transformation! I have just completed my third Bootcamp and can categorically state that I have never experienced such comprehensive results. Whether this type of exercise suits my body or whether Natasha is simply a genius I don't know, I do know that I literally had a transforming moment halfway through my second Bootcamp when I suddenly started to feel strong and comfortable with anything and everything that Natasha threw at me. My third Bootcamp became thoroughly enjoyable (with the possible exception of the time trial) and although not necessarily a wholly pleasurable experience, I again felt stronger, more capable and more enervated by the experience. Natasha is, as previous commentators have noted, an exceptionally gifted trainer, she is encouraging and an absolute pleasure to work with. Her program is rigorous and demanding but immensely rewarding. I have enjoyed myself tremendously and my body is extremely grateful. I will be back for more.
Thank you Natasha.
Best wishes Sara.
Twenty Eight. |
To all the young and old mums out there!
In December 2010, I hit rock bottom 3 months post pregnancy. I put on over a stone and three months on, my pre- pregnancy jeans were smaller than after giving birth. I am 40yrs old and before joining Natasha’s training session, I never did any running! I knew my body refused to spring back, I was breast feeding so could not (and did not want) to change my diet too much. I was however sick of my own voice... like talking was ever going to make me loose the weight !
To my husband’s huge relief (he had to deal with all my terrible emotional mood swings) I finally decided to walk the walk.
I joined the 7am session, and realised - my baby and toddler would be just fine without me for an hour.
I had no excuse, except the fear I would fail (or give up).
I have now started my fourth session with Natasha, who in opinion is the best trainer I could have ever wished for. In the first two sessions I lost a stone (and got back into my jeans), and I could feel my body getting stronger (so I wanted more). My running lap time in January (when I started) Jan 2:54sec , Feb 2:34sec; March 2:12sec and now (only 3 months later) in April 1:58sec! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!
Natasha’s training session is the perfect combination of strength and cardio exercise to shock the body into action. It’s not a competition with anyone else but yourself and you choose how hard you push yourself. If you have a ‘no excuse’ attitude and turn up to every session, you can’t help but get fantastic results.
I can never thank Natasha enough for giving me my body back plus so much more! Yes, I did the work, but she continued to motivate me and push me to go a little further.
The proof is in the pudding. I look better than ever before and I can’t remember the last time I was this fit... probably 10yrs ago, or more.
You have to commit!
And if you do the reward is priceless!
From Suzana Urlich. |
Twenty Seven. |
I was nervous to start the bootcamp (September 2010) after spending a loooooong time exercising only my mouth by moaning about how out of shape I had become! Other then walking and taking the stairs I had got very lazy and my diet wasn't great. I wasn't happy with my weight and felt, well gross to be honest...
Now it's January 2011 and I have just begun my fourth consecutive bootcamp! I have lost weight, toned up and feel anything but gross! I do the 6am classes and although the thought the night before of getting up at 05:30 isn't a happy one, happy is definitely what I feel at 06:45 as well as motivated and energised! I have met some lovely people and the atmosphere within the groups has always been positive and friendly-no-one is judging anyone and we all have a laugh. Myself and another bootcamper even dragged ourselves to the heath in the interim to do our own sessions before January's bootcamp started!
Natasha is a wonderful trainer who clearly loves what she does. Always willing to answer questions and give advice, I cannot thank her enough for how she has helped to make me feel. I am so pleased that I decided to be brave and try exercising with a load of strangers, in the dark (and sometimes pouring rain!) whilst some woman demands that I "skip for height"!! I have enjoyed each session and genuinely recommend it to all.
From Rachel Penny. |
Twenty Six. |
Just wanted to say that I had fun on the 2 months of bootcamp. I originally only anticipated doing one month to get me back onto the straight and narrow whilst my current gym was being refurbished. At first I was sceptical - was not seeing any results and was finding getting up so early 3 times a week quite tough. I found the warm ups the hardest at first especially as soon as the high knees bit kicked in - but I got fitter and it wasn't bad after that. Getting up at 5:30 when the mornings were brighter and warmer was not a problem at all after a while and I didn't want to miss any of the classes. Although I didn't want to have to change my eating habits I have continued with my food diary so I can see what I have been consuming everyday and I hope that will make me a healthier person.
I enjoyed the friendly competition and happy that I can still run fast like I used to cos I did actually run for my school in my younger days :0) The time trial is a great idea and something to look forward to and dread at the same time.
We are on holiday at the end of this week so I can finally display my short but more toned pins ha ha
Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of the bootcamps
Thanks again,
From Ilin.
Twenty Five. |
I started Natasha's bootcamps on the Heath back in December 2009 and can honestly say it was the best decision I made. I have tried several ways to get fit and joined several gyms but to no avail failed to see results. In the short time I have been attending the bootcamps I feel fitter, notice my body is changing for the better and I am making loads of friends.
Whether you're a new starter or previous camper, the bootcamps are alot of fun everyone is very welcoming and friendly and in the same boat. Natasha is a great trainer who is very supportive and wants to help you achieve your goal as much as you do, just remember you have to persevere and be determined with the 12 sessions (which seem to fly by!!!)
What better way to get fit and tone up than on the heath in the fresh air whilst having a laugh! |
From Dee Patel.
Twenty Four. |
I have attended three consecutive months of Natashas’s excellent, well-planned, always different, highly enjoyable bootcamps. Natasha seems to possess skills many trainers do not; a perfect blend of humour (disco squats!), motivational techniques (“… and now with a little more conviction”), and the ability to push you harder when she knows you are ready (even if you don’t know you’re ready yourself!). I cannot recommend bootcamp enough, I have lost weight, lost inches and have gained a real belief in my physical abilities that I did not previously have.
Lou Ramsay, one time only plank-off champion!!
From Lou Ramsay.
Twenty Three. |
I absolutely love bootcamp, the difference a month makes is huge - I feel fitter, more toned and healthier. I would recommend it to anyone! |
From Anonymous.
Twenty Two. |
This time last year I was the proverbial couch potato! Unfit and lazy.
Having joined gyms I never went to a friend suggested I try bootcamp! I wasn't exactly looking forward to not being able to keep up with everyone, aching for days afterwards and being shouted at BUT it wasn't like that!! Natasha gives everyone the option of 2 or 3 different versions of each exercise plus with the sprinting there are cones placed apart so you can run to whichever marker you are able to. She is encouraging and makes it fun and does not shout !!
Don't get me wrong, there are nights (I do the evening sessions at Blackheath) when I want nothing more than to curl up on the sofa with a tub of Ben and Jerrys and watch telly rather than run around in the snow (yes Ive done it in the snow) but the feeling of satisfaction after each bootcamp is very rewarding!
I haven't weighed myself, Im not one who really believes in diets . I think it's pointless stepping on the scales at every opportunity. However, I did measure myself (arms, thighs, tummy etc) and have lost 1inch from both upper arms and 1 inch from each thigh !!! I used to be asnug size 12 and am now a snug size 10.
I have signed up to do another bootcamp, I enjoy going and feel fitter than I ever have before. I really believe in Natasha, her methods and her exercise and can't speak highly enough of my whole experience. I will continue to be a regular bootcamper. |
From Beverly Brewer.
Twenty One. |
As a result of attending Natasha's bootcamp, I felt a noticeable positive physical and mental difference for the good and enjoyed each session along the way.
From Peter.
Twenty. |
I was never any good at sports at school and have always found it hard to retain any level of fitness due to various health reasons as well as being overweight, poorly co-ordinated and not someone who enjoyed physical activity. Until I started attending Natasha Green's Boot Camps, even running for a bus would leave me gasping for breath! I had never been able to find any kind of fitness activity which I enjoyed and could sustain for any length of time. In the past few months, since I have been attending the Boot Camps, I have seen vast improvements in my stamina and fitness levels. Being outdoors on Blackheath in the early mornings is a great way to start the day. At these Boot Camps you can take things at your own pace, which means they suit people who are unfit and just starting to exercise again or those with a good level of fitness who want improve further. I am very pleased with my progress so far and plan to carry on so I can continue to improve. Natasha is a great trainer who is always positive and very patient - even first thing in the morning! I am grateful to Natasha for all that I have achieved so far. |
From Mary. |
Nineteen. |
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all that you taught me during my period at Healthy on The Heath. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and wanted to let you know -
‘They say that practise makes perfect… well in my case nearly perfect. I attended boot camp with an open mind and to my surprise completed the training. Natasha makes the training fun, she pushes your boundaries and yes it is hard work, but I would not have wanted it any other way. With Natasha professional expertise I came away with a toned body and a great sense of pride.
Boot camp was something I only thought about, I really did not think that I would actually do it. As Natasha says you become what you achieve. I feel that I have become someone and yes I definitely achieved.’ Just give it a go!
Thank you so much Natasha. |
From a healthier & fitter Sharon Parris. |
Eighteen. |
I attended Natasha's Blackheath boot camp from mid may to mid June 2009. I
am a regular at my gym but felt my exercise programme needed a fresh
Natasha is truly motivating and got me running, something I
thought I would never do, having survived 62 years on this planet without.
Four weeks later I am still running, feel fitter and look more toned then I
ever have. |
By Susan Field. |
Seventeen. |
I have been attending Natasha Green’s boot camp over a period of three months. When I started, my body fat was very high and muscle mass very low. This was due to the different diets I did one after the other. However, throughout the training, my body fat reduced and muscle mass increased. Each session is challenging and I look forward to attending each session.
Natasha always shows commitment and is very supportive to each individual's needs in relation to healthy eating habits and the best exercise regime.
My continued aim in this boot camp is to further reduce my remaining excess body fat in my thighs. I am very conscious of the size of my thighs and very keen to achieve this goal. I have seen results so far in this class and I am confident that I will achieve this goal. |
By Ashaki Kroll. |
Sixteen. |
"I've completed 3 blackheath boot camps, and all of them were great, but no 'stroll in the park'. Its fantastic to start the day with a 'buzz' that one gets from doing a good session. I like that the group is small so Natasha can pay individual attention every now and again compared to those 'Army boot camps where there are loads of people with ex soldiers shouting at you'.
Each session is different so there is no monotony, which I find makes
it easier to get out of bed early for. Natasha is relentless and I do alot
more than I think I can, my fitness has improved and my body has toned for
the better.
I'll definitely be joining boot camp again this summer. |
By Bron. |
Fifteen. |
Natasha is a wonderful person and a great personal trainer. I have joined Natasha in her bootcamps and have enjoyed every moment of them. She is a great motivator and has helped me to go out of my comfort zone and achieve results I did not think possible in a short period of time.
Natasha is very professional and is able to create a good atmosphere during the training making it fun. |
By Elisa Cavaliere. |
Fourteen. |
I'd be really pleased to recommend bootcamp - the group format means that even if you are not feeling 100% motivated you still feel the obligation to turn up as everyone else will be there. once there the sessions are great - never the same each day and encouragement all the way. by the end of the 4 weeks i was getting comments about how much fitter i looked. Bootcamp kickstarted me back into the exercise habit and since then i've lost over ahlf a stone and dropped a dress size ready for my wedding day.
All the best with the future sessions
By Eleanor Hadland. |
Thirteen. |
"Blackheath boot camp was utterly brilliant. I wasn't convinced I would be cut out for early morning exercise, but I quickly became a convert. On boot camp days I had much more energy and was in a better mood, even if I'd slept badly the night before or had trouble getting myself out of bed that morning. My fitness levels improved quickly and exercising in such a beautiful outdoor location was so much more enjoyable than pounding away at the gym.
The group was friendly and not intimidating at all, and Natasha is an excellent trainer and always willing to give advice on nutrition and exercise.
I can't recommend this class highly enough." |
By Alice. |
Twelve. |
A real pleasure training with Natasha. Always professional and reliable, sessions are good fun and suitably challenging. She really listens to what it is you would like to achieve, and I am very happy with my results. I would highly recommend her services.
By Andrew Benson. |
Eleven. |
'I was fifty, lumpy, with a hatred of exercise and high cholesterol this year and after the bootcamps have normal cholesterol levels, changed shape and enjoy exercise.
It has been really hard but worth every minute and Natasha made it fun as well. I would wholeheartedly recommend her training.
By Jane Apsey. |
Ten. |
I'm a different person since I started seeing Natasha. Most obviously I am
fitter, but possibly more importantly I am a more confident and much happier
Like everyone else that sees Natasha, whilst I know it's going to be
challenging, I really look forward to it, she is an absolute pleasure to
spend time with and I know she is a skilled, experienced and conscientious
By Sally Campbell. |
Nine. |
After completing two of Natasha's Bootcamps on the Heath, I have to say that I am now addicted! I'm disappointed that I didn't start them earlier as I have lost a total of 7 kilos and dropped a whole dress size. I never thought I'd be so motivated to wake up for a 6am session, but Natasha packs so much into each session and ensures a lot of variety over the 4 week boot camp. I have never worked so hard in my life and I definitely pushed the boundaries of what I am capable of. Along with the fitness aspect of the camp, I have really appreciated Natasha's advice on nutrition and diet and I have implemented this into my daily routine.
Thank you once again Natasha and I'm looking forward to joining you next year!
By Bronwyn Thomas. |
Eight. |
I have just completed the healthy on the heath bootcamp and have loved every minute of it! After the initial slight anticipation of the first morning I have rolled out of bed as soon as the alarm beeps every other morning conitnuously for 4 weeks and have looked forward to the day ahead. Natasha is a great trainer and motivator and introduced a different training session every time so nothing was ever the same; the only ‘routine’ was turning up.
I met a great group of people and we have even all agreed we want more and are signing up for the next one! I feel so much fitter and more toned and generally really good about myself. It’s a great feeling starting the day like that and knowing you won’t get that guilty feeling later in the day as you’ve already done your bit.
The feeling of wellbeing also makes you more energised and made me want to do more so I tried to fit in a run or two as well. The programme is for everyone with all different types of fitness; Natasha makes everyone feel part of the group and encourages you to work hard with one another.
I would highly recommend it, fantastic!
By Jastine Leberl. |
Seven. |
Training with Natasha has enabled me to achieve a level of fitness I simply could not have reached on my own. Crucially for me, it has meant I now have the motivation and the skills to continue training independently, although I'm glad I know where to come when I need additional sessions to keep the motivation going! Her warm and friendly nature is a great encouragement to me, and the sound nutritional advice she offers is a welcome relief from trendy 'fad' diets. The results have far surpassed my expectations. Friends and family have been impressed with the changes in me and I feel better in myself.
By Ivanna Chakram. |
Six. |
"I have used Natasha's Personal Training services in preparation for my Mr. Universe win and also to get lean for my Everyman Campaign centerefold spread in the September 2007 edition of womens magazine Cosmopolitan. Cardiovascular is a big part of my preparation for body-builing competitions involving 90 minutes each day close to competition date! I've known Natasha for a while now and she always makes something,that to me is a chore, great fun and productive. You can't go wrong with Natasha in your corner!"
By Peter Chown. |
Five. |
"Of all the extreme measures I have taken to change my body,training with Natasha Green was the only one with positive side effects such as Happiness and Pride."
By Anna Genger. |
Four. |
'When I first joined the gym I knew that I wanted to do weight-training but didn't know where to start. I met Natasha who really listened to what I wanted to achieve. I started training with her and quickly gained confidence. Natasha is a perfect combination of professional and friendly. I have been training with her for a few years now and have seen great results. I really enjoy it and would recommend her to anyone." |
By Kate Messenger. |
Three. |
"I have tried signing up with several gyms but after a few months I would quit. It's only until I met Natasha Green, I signed up again with her as a Personal Trainer.
Now several months later I have to say I love to attend the gym and look forward to every session working out with Natasha. She keeps you movitated and pushes you to improve every workout, making it enjoyable with a great feeling. I would highly recommend Natasha to anyone looking for a great trainer who's down to earth and fun.
By Taz Kha'lique. |
Two. |
“Natasha is a wonderful personal trainer. Not only is she brilliant at pushing you when you are feeling a wee bit lazy but she targets the areas that you think will never shift. The results are incredible! She is very professional but makes the training fun at the same time! I have been training with Natasha for a year now and will continue to do so as long as I continue to live in London!”
By Aileen O'Hara. |
One. |
"Before I met Natasha I perceived the gym as a laborious task full of machines that were not really for me. I was not ambitious in my targets to become fitter and toned. Natasha taught me to make the gym part of my routine and convinced me of the possibility of achieving high targets. She gave me the encouragement I needed to persist. A particular personal achievement for me is that when I first came to the gym, I could/would not do a single press up. After a few months I found myself doing reps of 30! As my fitness level increased, my confidence grew which has been reflected in my clothes and general attitude towards things. But as well as being a good personal trainer Natasha is also a friend."
By Allison Shanley |
Submitting Your
testimonials. |
Forty Four. |
I have trained with Natasha for over 12 years on a weekly basis. The 12 years has spanned the post birth of my 3rd child to a now busy life with 3 teenagers & working. I'm very happy that I invested in having this time with Natasha to keep fit and healthy consistently over a decade. Whether I was at times too tired to motivate myself, training for a specific physical challenge or recovering from the occasional unexpected operation Natasha has navigated me through safely with her extensive knowledge. I look forward to our sessions, which are always varied, and trust Natasha implicitly in knowing what is needed. Natasha makes it easy to commit to putting fitness into your life.
Forty Three. |
I have lost 5 and a half stone and dropped 3 dress sizes! 18 months ago I found walking a mile to the train station hard work and in September this year I walked the 50k Thames Path Challenge and raised £1800 for The Alzheimer's Society.
So how did I make the change? I have struggled with my weight for all of my adult life and thought I would never manage to lose weight and get fit. The big turning point for me was dramatically changing my diet which meant going completely gluten free and including only limited amounts of dairy products along with general healthy eating - lots of fruit and veg, lean meat, nuts etc Having said that I am no Puritan and still include a few gin and tonics at the weekend! I increased my early morning fitness plan to include Boot Camp two or three times a week, swimming twice a week and a Nordic Walking session at the weekend. I find that at Boot Camp the personal trainers positively encourage you to work hard and retain motivation so you can improve. I have gone from over 4 minutes for my time trial to under 2.5 minutes. I have poor co-ordination and balance so I am not a natural athlete and was terrible at sports at school. What I love about Bootcamp is that you can work at your own pace as it' a graded exercise system for all abilities. I really enjoy being outdoors and seeing the beautiful early morning skies over the Heath which are different every day (even on rainy days it really is not so bad once you get going) Being in the open air is excellent for Vitamin D and general wellbeing and stress management. - There are lots of laughs to be had training as a group rain or shine. Bootcamp was the first fitness activity that I managed to keep going with over an extended period having tried and failed with many others.
So whatever your level of fitness I would encourage you to give Bootcamp a try - you won't regret it
Forty Two. |
Training with Natasha is inspirational. I have been training with Natasha since 2010, I started with her boot camps which were a fantastic way to end a stressful day. After a tennis injury I started with her as a PT - she's fantastic. She trained me through training for the London marathon and made the whole process enjoyable and challenging, she manages to motivate me when training with a slight hangover and absorbs the two fingered salute with a grin.
I cannot recommend her enough for whatever it is you want to achieve ... a marathon, recovering after an injury or a general increase of fitness. I always leave the session smiling and feeling both physically and mentally better. Thank you Tash.
Forty One. |
We'd like to thank Natasha for giving all our Go Dad Runners such a great warm up ahead of our charity 5K run for men and boys in Southwark Park on Father's Day. With all the proceeds going to Prostate Cancer UK it was essential to have them loose and limbered up before the start, and Natasha's fun and energetic workout put our ambassador Mark Foster and all the guys in the perfect mood!
Go Dad Run.
Forty. |
I had been curious about joining a boot camp group for a while. I tried (and failed) to persuade friends to do it with me, so I decided to proceed on my own. I am SO GLAD that I did!!!
Although I have never attended a gym in my life, I felt as though I had a reasonable level of fitness having lost weight through changing my diet and doing lots of walking and stationary cycling over the past year, but when I started bootcamp, I realised that there was much room for improvement in terms of my stamina and strength. After the first session, I felt drained but exhilarated-I had been working my body in ways I never have before. I have to admit to experiencing some impressive amounts of muscle soreness during the first week, but from the second week onwards, this was never an issue again.
The sessions are approximately 45 minutes in length, and always varied and challenging. It is brilliant to be able to exercise in the open air with people, whatever the weather. I have enjoyed discovering my strength and development areas and working hard to improve these further. I joined up with the 6.00am group and felt highly motivated throughout the four weeks-waking up and walking the mile from home to Blackheath for the start of the session was never an effort, as the great sense of achievement as the end of each session and knowing that I was another step further forward in terms of reaching my fitness goals was rather addictive!!
Attending bootcamp has shown me that whatever stage you are at in terms of fitness, there is always scope to improve and challenge yourself I would encourage anyone to give it a go - put in the effort and you will definitely surprise yourself with what you can do and how you progress. I shall certainly be going back for more!
From Camilla.
Thirty Nine. |
Having been recommended by my niece, I joined Natasha’s bootcamp over 2 years ago and have found this to be a great way of exercising compared to having a gym membership. It is well worth the value. I have been a member continuously since joining, having a few months break in between. I find her sessions to be very effective in losing weight and keeping healthy. Exercising in the open air on the Heath, whether rain, snow or sunshine, is very rejuvenating to the body. Natasha makes sure every session and exercise is catered to your capacity and your own ability. I highly recommend Natasha’s Bootcamp, and I look forward to continuing to be a regular bootcamper - Xuan
From Xuan.
Thirty Eight. |
I've been attending Natasha's bootcamps for about 2 years now, pretty much non-stop. Most people tend to do a month or two here and there but I can highly recommend regular attendance. The timing works perfectly for me as I'm a home worker and living close to Blackheath helps of course. I've joined gyms and never kept it up, I've tried other forms of exercise but these sessions have been the only thing I've stuck to.
I'd say that the progressive nature of the sessions is what works best for me. Bootcamp is unlike some other, larger outdoor group activities I've tried, no names, no pack-drill as the saying goes! Although great exercise you get whatever type of session that particular trainer decides on at the time, regardless. Natasha's 4 week programme is carefully designed to work different parts of the body each session. So, you won't get loads of running on heavy legs from the previous session, you'll do more upper body, abs etc.
I broke my leg in the summer whilst on holiday but will be back out on The Heath in the new year for sure.
From Spencer Baldwin.
Thirty Seven. |
I passionately recommended Natasha's services and outdoor bootcamps in general to all my friends, it's a great, sociable way to exercise and while being outside in the fresh air. Sky gazing during your press-ups is hugely gratifying. I found out about Natasha's Blackheath Bootcamp through the internet and after quite a few costly but utterly unexploited health club memberships, I find this real good value for my money. I have trained almost a year with her now and found the training to be very effective and fun and will greatly miss it now that I'm moving away.
From Nina Schermer.
Thirty Six. |
Thanks for all your support and encouragement over the years Natasha, you have planted a seed in me, my family think I am mental now!
From Lou.
Thirty Five. |
I've been wanting to get fit for a long time but have struggled to find the motivation and a suitable place to exercise as I always find an excuse not to go to the gym!
I signed up for the boot camp having received a flyer through the door. It has been absolutely amazing. The 5.30am starts for the 6am bootcamp were difficult to get used to at first but it's lovely getting back home knowing I've already done some exercise before starting my day. Natasha is great at encouraging us all to push ourselves and achieve our best.
I've also changed the way I eat, cutting things out like chocolate and crisps which I used to snack on. Natasha has been great at suggesting new breakfasts and healthy snacks which have really helped.
The highlights from the past month have been not having to jump into my jeans in the morning to get them on, meeting friends and them not recognising me at first, as well as beating my time trial in the first week by 19 seconds in the last session.
I feel like my lifestyle has changed for the better drastically since I've started the bootcamp and feel better both mentally and physically. I've already signed up for next month and cannot wait!
From Hattie Jackson.
Thirty Four. |
What really set Boot Camp that, being outside, we could include a bit of sprinting in the workout. I hadn’t run flat out for ages and I found it so exhilarating compared to being cooped up the gym or my usual plod around the park
From Jonathan Letchfiled .
Thirty Three. |
Natasha's bootcamp is addictive! I'm on my third one and have already seen great results in my stamina, my body strength and the best of all , post- pregnancy weight loss! Having had my second child in early 2011, I was determined not to hold onto the excess weight and wanted to start an exercise venture that fitted into my lifestyle/family routines, in a group format, at an affordable price and with a trainer that could push me to work harder. I attend the 6am class and even though it can be hard waking up early, that initial feeling is shortlived as I set off to the bootcamp ready for action. Blackheath Common is beautiful and peaceful at that time of the morning - a perfect place to exercise. Even though there are many of us in the bootcamp, Natasha is aware of how each of us are getting on in different aspects of the training and pushes us to achieve better results. If you're reading this and you're unsure if it's for you then I would suggest you try one of the bootcamp taster sessions she runs regularly...... go on, it's definately worth a try!
From Rekha Dove .
Thirty Two. |
Since university I have been exercising, on and off, for over 15 years but have often suffered with a lack of motivation to knock out the miles on a treadmill, and have found one to one personal trainers can become expensive.
Natasha is friendly and welcoming from the moment you meet her and she takes a keen interest in your individual goals so that, despite being in a group format, she is able to set the pace to achieve your specific targets.
The training is a combination of strength, pace and stamina, with a programme that accelerates quickly from a basic introduction through to some very challenging sessions as the weeks progress. However, Natasha’s real skill is in ensuring that those looking to take it slow can perform basic exercises while those determined to push themselves beyond the limit find the exercises getting harder and harder. The time trial at the start and end of each 4-week session provides both the motivation to do better and a reward for all the hard work, as you attempt to better your earlier result.
She pushes you just beyond your comfort zone, without ever losing that personal touch, and in 3 months I feel stronger and fitter and look more toned than ever before.
In summary, Natasha’s bootcamps can provide a challenge to everyone, to both sexes, at all levels of fitness and her class members are reaping the rewards of her progressive fitness programme.
From Lynden Howie.
Thirty One. |
A wonderful exercise programme on the beautiful green space that is Blackheath. Natasha is a thoughtful and encouraging personal trainer who has designed a bootcamp regime to suit all levels of fitness. She is careful of injury, positive in outlook and gets great results. It is all a fun experience with a lovely trainer.
From A summer 2011 client.
Thirty. |
I was diagnosed with high blood pressure two years ago and felt it was time to get off the sofa!. My girlfriend had already attended Natasha's boot camps a year or so earlier and when a flyer came through the door advertising her boot camps it was really fate!
We attended the boot camps for over a year and while the cold winter months were a struggle, watching the sun rise over Blackheath was a view to behold as the mornings became brighter. Natasha's constant enthusiasm and motivation ensured that time passed quickly and we returned for more! The best part of the boot camp was that we saw results every week and met new friends. Say hello to everybody!
From Gary (and Emma).
Twenty Nine. |
I have been exercising in some form or other - jogging, yoga, personal trainer, gym everything - for years, so my relative level of fitness was not too disastrous when I started Bootcamp in January 2011. But what a transformation! I have just completed my third Bootcamp and can categorically state that I have never experienced such comprehensive results. Whether this type of exercise suits my body or whether Natasha is simply a genius I don't know, I do know that I literally had a transforming moment halfway through my second Bootcamp when I suddenly started to feel strong and comfortable with anything and everything that Natasha threw at me. My third Bootcamp became thoroughly enjoyable (with the possible exception of the time trial) and although not necessarily a wholly pleasurable experience, I again felt stronger, more capable and more enervated by the experience. Natasha is, as previous commentators have noted, an exceptionally gifted trainer, she is encouraging and an absolute pleasure to work with. Her program is rigorous and demanding but immensely rewarding. I have enjoyed myself tremendously and my body is extremely grateful. I will be back for more.
Thank you Natasha.
Best wishes Sara.
Twenty Eight. |
To all the young and old mums out there!
In December 2010, I hit rock bottom 3 months post pregnancy. I put on over a stone and three months on, my pre- pregnancy jeans were smaller than after giving birth. I am 40yrs old and before joining Natasha’s training session, I never did any running! I knew my body refused to spring back, I was breast feeding so could not (and did not want) to change my diet too much. I was however sick of my own voice... like talking was ever going to make me loose the weight !
To my husband’s huge relief (he had to deal with all my terrible emotional mood swings) I finally decided to walk the walk.
I joined the 7am session, and realised - my baby and toddler would be just fine without me for an hour.
I had no excuse, except the fear I would fail (or give up).
I have now started my fourth session with Natasha, who in opinion is the best trainer I could have ever wished for. In the first two sessions I lost a stone (and got back into my jeans), and I could feel my body getting stronger (so I wanted more). My running lap time in January (when I started) Jan 2:54sec , Feb 2:34sec; March 2:12sec and now (only 3 months later) in April 1:58sec! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!
Natasha’s training session is the perfect combination of strength and cardio exercise to shock the body into action. It’s not a competition with anyone else but yourself and you choose how hard you push yourself. If you have a ‘no excuse’ attitude and turn up to every session, you can’t help but get fantastic results.
I can never thank Natasha enough for giving me my body back plus so much more! Yes, I did the work, but she continued to motivate me and push me to go a little further.
The proof is in the pudding. I look better than ever before and I can’t remember the last time I was this fit... probably 10yrs ago, or more.
You have to commit!
And if you do the reward is priceless!
From Suzana Urlich. |
Twenty Seven. |
I was nervous to start the bootcamp (September 2010) after spending a loooooong time exercising only my mouth by moaning about how out of shape I had become! Other then walking and taking the stairs I had got very lazy and my diet wasn't great. I wasn't happy with my weight and felt, well gross to be honest...
Now it's January 2011 and I have just begun my fourth consecutive bootcamp! I have lost weight, toned up and feel anything but gross! I do the 6am classes and although the thought the night before of getting up at 05:30 isn't a happy one, happy is definitely what I feel at 06:45 as well as motivated and energised! I have met some lovely people and the atmosphere within the groups has always been positive and friendly-no-one is judging anyone and we all have a laugh. Myself and another bootcamper even dragged ourselves to the heath in the interim to do our own sessions before January's bootcamp started!
Natasha is a wonderful trainer who clearly loves what she does. Always willing to answer questions and give advice, I cannot thank her enough for how she has helped to make me feel. I am so pleased that I decided to be brave and try exercising with a load of strangers, in the dark (and sometimes pouring rain!) whilst some woman demands that I "skip for height"!! I have enjoyed each session and genuinely recommend it to all.
From Rachel Penny. |
Twenty Six. |
Just wanted to say that I had fun on the 2 months of bootcamp. I originally only anticipated doing one month to get me back onto the straight and narrow whilst my current gym was being refurbished. At first I was sceptical - was not seeing any results and was finding getting up so early 3 times a week quite tough. I found the warm ups the hardest at first especially as soon as the high knees bit kicked in - but I got fitter and it wasn't bad after that. Getting up at 5:30 when the mornings were brighter and warmer was not a problem at all after a while and I didn't want to miss any of the classes. Although I didn't want to have to change my eating habits I have continued with my food diary so I can see what I have been consuming everyday and I hope that will make me a healthier person.
I enjoyed the friendly competition and happy that I can still run fast like I used to cos I did actually run for my school in my younger days :0) The time trial is a great idea and something to look forward to and dread at the same time.
We are on holiday at the end of this week so I can finally display my short but more toned pins ha ha
Wishing you the best of luck with the rest of the bootcamps
Thanks again,
From Ilin.
Twenty Five. |
I started Natasha's bootcamps on the Heath back in December 2009 and can honestly say it was the best decision I made. I have tried several ways to get fit and joined several gyms but to no avail failed to see results. In the short time I have been attending the bootcamps I feel fitter, notice my body is changing for the better and I am making loads of friends.
Whether you're a new starter or previous camper, the bootcamps are alot of fun everyone is very welcoming and friendly and in the same boat. Natasha is a great trainer who is very supportive and wants to help you achieve your goal as much as you do, just remember you have to persevere and be determined with the 12 sessions (which seem to fly by!!!)
What better way to get fit and tone up than on the heath in the fresh air whilst having a laugh! |
From Dee Patel.
Twenty Four. |
I have attended three consecutive months of Natashas’s excellent, well-planned, always different, highly enjoyable bootcamps. Natasha seems to possess skills many trainers do not; a perfect blend of humour (disco squats!), motivational techniques (“… and now with a little more conviction”), and the ability to push you harder when she knows you are ready (even if you don’t know you’re ready yourself!). I cannot recommend bootcamp enough, I have lost weight, lost inches and have gained a real belief in my physical abilities that I did not previously have.
Lou Ramsay, one time only plank-off champion!!
From Lou Ramsay.
Twenty Three. |
I absolutely love bootcamp, the difference a month makes is huge - I feel fitter, more toned and healthier. I would recommend it to anyone! |
From Anonymous.
Twenty Two. |
This time last year I was the proverbial couch potato! Unfit and lazy.
Having joined gyms I never went to a friend suggested I try bootcamp! I wasn't exactly looking forward to not being able to keep up with everyone, aching for days afterwards and being shouted at BUT it wasn't like that!! Natasha gives everyone the option of 2 or 3 different versions of each exercise plus with the sprinting there are cones placed apart so you can run to whichever marker you are able to. She is encouraging and makes it fun and does not shout !!
Don't get me wrong, there are nights (I do the evening sessions at Blackheath) when I want nothing more than to curl up on the sofa with a tub of Ben and Jerrys and watch telly rather than run around in the snow (yes Ive done it in the snow) but the feeling of satisfaction after each bootcamp is very rewarding!
I haven't weighed myself, Im not one who really believes in diets . I think it's pointless stepping on the scales at every opportunity. However, I did measure myself (arms, thighs, tummy etc) and have lost 1inch from both upper arms and 1 inch from each thigh !!! I used to be asnug size 12 and am now a snug size 10.
I have signed up to do another bootcamp, I enjoy going and feel fitter than I ever have before. I really believe in Natasha, her methods and her exercise and can't speak highly enough of my whole experience. I will continue to be a regular bootcamper. |
From Beverly Brewer.
Twenty One. |
As a result of attending Natasha's bootcamp, I felt a noticeable positive physical and mental difference for the good and enjoyed each session along the way.
From Peter.
Twenty. |
I was never any good at sports at school and have always found it hard to retain any level of fitness due to various health reasons as well as being overweight, poorly co-ordinated and not someone who enjoyed physical activity. Until I started attending Natasha Green's Boot Camps, even running for a bus would leave me gasping for breath! I had never been able to find any kind of fitness activity which I enjoyed and could sustain for any length of time. In the past few months, since I have been attending the Boot Camps, I have seen vast improvements in my stamina and fitness levels. Being outdoors on Blackheath in the early mornings is a great way to start the day. At these Boot Camps you can take things at your own pace, which means they suit people who are unfit and just starting to exercise again or those with a good level of fitness who want improve further. I am very pleased with my progress so far and plan to carry on so I can continue to improve. Natasha is a great trainer who is always positive and very patient - even first thing in the morning! I am grateful to Natasha for all that I have achieved so far. |
From Mary. |
Nineteen. |
I just wanted to say thank you so much for all that you taught me during my period at Healthy on The Heath. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and wanted to let you know -
‘They say that practise makes perfect… well in my case nearly perfect. I attended boot camp with an open mind and to my surprise completed the training. Natasha makes the training fun, she pushes your boundaries and yes it is hard work, but I would not have wanted it any other way. With Natasha professional expertise I came away with a toned body and a great sense of pride.
Boot camp was something I only thought about, I really did not think that I would actually do it. As Natasha says you become what you achieve. I feel that I have become someone and yes I definitely achieved.’ Just give it a go!
Thank you so much Natasha. |
From a healthier & fitter Sharon Parris. |
Eighteen. |
I attended Natasha's Blackheath boot camp from mid may to mid June 2009. I
am a regular at my gym but felt my exercise programme needed a fresh
Natasha is truly motivating and got me running, something I
thought I would never do, having survived 62 years on this planet without.
Four weeks later I am still running, feel fitter and look more toned then I
ever have. |
By Susan Field. |
Seventeen. |
I have been attending Natasha Green’s boot camp over a period of three months. When I started, my body fat was very high and muscle mass very low. This was due to the different diets I did one after the other. However, throughout the training, my body fat reduced and muscle mass increased. Each session is challenging and I look forward to attending each session.
Natasha always shows commitment and is very supportive to each individual's needs in relation to healthy eating habits and the best exercise regime.
My continued aim in this boot camp is to further reduce my remaining excess body fat in my thighs. I am very conscious of the size of my thighs and very keen to achieve this goal. I have seen results so far in this class and I am confident that I will achieve this goal. |
By Ashaki Kroll. |
Sixteen. |
"I've completed 3 blackheath boot camps, and all of them were great, but no 'stroll in the park'. Its fantastic to start the day with a 'buzz' that one gets from doing a good session. I like that the group is small so Natasha can pay individual attention every now and again compared to those 'Army boot camps where there are loads of people with ex soldiers shouting at you'.
Each session is different so there is no monotony, which I find makes
it easier to get out of bed early for. Natasha is relentless and I do alot
more than I think I can, my fitness has improved and my body has toned for
the better.
I'll definitely be joining boot camp again this summer. |
By Bron. |
Fifteen. |
Natasha is a wonderful person and a great personal trainer. I have joined Natasha in her bootcamps and have enjoyed every moment of them. She is a great motivator and has helped me to go out of my comfort zone and achieve results I did not think possible in a short period of time.
Natasha is very professional and is able to create a good atmosphere during the training making it fun. |
By Elisa Cavaliere. |
Fourteen. |
I'd be really pleased to recommend bootcamp - the group format means that even if you are not feeling 100% motivated you still feel the obligation to turn up as everyone else will be there. once there the sessions are great - never the same each day and encouragement all the way. by the end of the 4 weeks i was getting comments about how much fitter i looked. Bootcamp kickstarted me back into the exercise habit and since then i've lost over ahlf a stone and dropped a dress size ready for my wedding day.
All the best with the future sessions
By Eleanor Hadland. |
Thirteen. |
"Blackheath boot camp was utterly brilliant. I wasn't convinced I would be cut out for early morning exercise, but I quickly became a convert. On boot camp days I had much more energy and was in a better mood, even if I'd slept badly the night before or had trouble getting myself out of bed that morning. My fitness levels improved quickly and exercising in such a beautiful outdoor location was so much more enjoyable than pounding away at the gym.
The group was friendly and not intimidating at all, and Natasha is an excellent trainer and always willing to give advice on nutrition and exercise.
I can't recommend this class highly enough." |
By Alice. |
Twelve. |
A real pleasure training with Natasha. Always professional and reliable, sessions are good fun and suitably challenging. She really listens to what it is you would like to achieve, and I am very happy with my results. I would highly recommend her services.
By Andrew Benson. |
Eleven. |
'I was fifty, lumpy, with a hatred of exercise and high cholesterol this year and after the bootcamps have normal cholesterol levels, changed shape and enjoy exercise.
It has been really hard but worth every minute and Natasha made it fun as well. I would wholeheartedly recommend her training.
By Jane Apsey. |
Ten. |
I'm a different person since I started seeing Natasha. Most obviously I am
fitter, but possibly more importantly I am a more confident and much happier
Like everyone else that sees Natasha, whilst I know it's going to be
challenging, I really look forward to it, she is an absolute pleasure to
spend time with and I know she is a skilled, experienced and conscientious
By Sally Campbell. |
Nine. |
After completing two of Natasha's Bootcamps on the Heath, I have to say that I am now addicted! I'm disappointed that I didn't start them earlier as I have lost a total of 7 kilos and dropped a whole dress size. I never thought I'd be so motivated to wake up for a 6am session, but Natasha packs so much into each session and ensures a lot of variety over the 4 week boot camp. I have never worked so hard in my life and I definitely pushed the boundaries of what I am capable of. Along with the fitness aspect of the camp, I have really appreciated Natasha's advice on nutrition and diet and I have implemented this into my daily routine.
Thank you once again Natasha and I'm looking forward to joining you next year!
By Bronwyn Thomas. |
Eight. |
I have just completed the healthy on the heath bootcamp and have loved every minute of it! After the initial slight anticipation of the first morning I have rolled out of bed as soon as the alarm beeps every other morning conitnuously for 4 weeks and have looked forward to the day ahead. Natasha is a great trainer and motivator and introduced a different training session every time so nothing was ever the same; the only ‘routine’ was turning up.
I met a great group of people and we have even all agreed we want more and are signing up for the next one! I feel so much fitter and more toned and generally really good about myself. It’s a great feeling starting the day like that and knowing you won’t get that guilty feeling later in the day as you’ve already done your bit.
The feeling of wellbeing also makes you more energised and made me want to do more so I tried to fit in a run or two as well. The programme is for everyone with all different types of fitness; Natasha makes everyone feel part of the group and encourages you to work hard with one another.
I would highly recommend it, fantastic!
By Jastine Leberl. |
Seven. |
Training with Natasha has enabled me to achieve a level of fitness I simply could not have reached on my own. Crucially for me, it has meant I now have the motivation and the skills to continue training independently, although I'm glad I know where to come when I need additional sessions to keep the motivation going! Her warm and friendly nature is a great encouragement to me, and the sound nutritional advice she offers is a welcome relief from trendy 'fad' diets. The results have far surpassed my expectations. Friends and family have been impressed with the changes in me and I feel better in myself.
By Ivanna Chakram. |
Six. |
"I have used Natasha's Personal Training services in preparation for my Mr. Universe win and also to get lean for my Everyman Campaign centerefold spread in the September 2007 edition of womens magazine Cosmopolitan. Cardiovascular is a big part of my preparation for body-builing competitions involving 90 minutes each day close to competition date! I've known Natasha for a while now and she always makes something,that to me is a chore, great fun and productive. You can't go wrong with Natasha in your corner!"
By Peter Chown. |
Five. |
"Of all the extreme measures I have taken to change my body,training with Natasha Green was the only one with positive side effects such as Happiness and Pride."
By Anna Genger. |
Four. |
'When I first joined the gym I knew that I wanted to do weight-training but didn't know where to start. I met Natasha who really listened to what I wanted to achieve. I started training with her and quickly gained confidence. Natasha is a perfect combination of professional and friendly. I have been training with her for a few years now and have seen great results. I really enjoy it and would recommend her to anyone." |
By Kate Messenger. |
Three. |
"I have tried signing up with several gyms but after a few months I would quit. It's only until I met Natasha Green, I signed up again with her as a Personal Trainer.
Now several months later I have to say I love to attend the gym and look forward to every session working out with Natasha. She keeps you movitated and pushes you to improve every workout, making it enjoyable with a great feeling. I would highly recommend Natasha to anyone looking for a great trainer who's down to earth and fun.
By Taz Kha'lique. |
Two. |
“Natasha is a wonderful personal trainer. Not only is she brilliant at pushing you when you are feeling a wee bit lazy but she targets the areas that you think will never shift. The results are incredible! She is very professional but makes the training fun at the same time! I have been training with Natasha for a year now and will continue to do so as long as I continue to live in London!”
By Aileen O'Hara. |
One. |
"Before I met Natasha I perceived the gym as a laborious task full of machines that were not really for me. I was not ambitious in my targets to become fitter and toned. Natasha taught me to make the gym part of my routine and convinced me of the possibility of achieving high targets. She gave me the encouragement I needed to persist. A particular personal achievement for me is that when I first came to the gym, I could/would not do a single press up. After a few months I found myself doing reps of 30! As my fitness level increased, my confidence grew which has been reflected in my clothes and general attitude towards things. But as well as being a good personal trainer Natasha is also a friend."
By Allison Shanley |
Submitting Your
testimonials. |