C |
Caffeine |
Alkaloid that stimulates alertness and boosts energy. A herbal compound that enhances alertness and fights fatigue. Caffeine increases endurance during prolonged submaximal activity by increasing blood epinephrine (adrenaline) levels, thereby allowing fat cells to break down more readily during aerobic activity. Recent studies show that caffeine can be addictive, and over consumption can lead to numerous health problems. |
Calcium |
Of all the essential minerals in the human body, Calciumis the most abundant. Calcium helps the body form bones and teeth and is required for blood clotting, transmitting signals in nerve cells, and muscle contraction. Calcium helps prevent osteoporosis; of the two to three pounds of calcium contained in the human body, 99% is located in the bones and teeth.
Calcium also seems to play a role in lowering blood pressure, and has been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in postmenopausal women. |
Calorie is a unit of measurement for energy. One calorie is formally defined as the amount of energy required to raise one cubic centimeter of water by one degree Centigrade. For purpose of measuring the amount of energy in food, nutritionists most commonly use kilocalories (equal to 1000 calories), and label the measurement either as "kcal" or as "Calories" with a capital "C". One kcal is also equivalent to approximately 4.184 kilojoules. |
Phytosterols are plant sterols, mainly campesterol and sitosterol, and their respective stanols (5 alpha-saturated derivatives), which chemically resemble cholesterol. They are present in a normal diet bur less than 0.1% of serum sterols are plant sterols. Phytosterols inhibit intestinal cholesterol absorption, and fat-soluble plant stanol esters were introduced as a functional food for lowering serum cholesterol. Inhibition of the intestinal absorption of cholesterol stimulates cholesterol synthesis, a factor which limits serum cholesterol lowering to about 10% with phytosterols.
Enrichment of the diet with plant stanol esters reduces absorption and serum concentrations of both cholesterol and plant sterols, whereas enrichment of the diet with plant sterol esters, especially in combination with statins, lowers serum cholesterol but increases serum plant sterol levels. Long-term cholesterol lowering, needed for the prevention of coronary heart disease, may be successful with plant stanol esters, which lower serum cholesterol in both genders over at least a year. Like cholesterol, campesterol and other phytosterols are transported by lipoproteins, mainly by LDL, and secreted unchanged in bile. |
Carbohydrates come in two basic forms: Simple & Complex. Simple carbs are usually devoid of fibre and include such foods as refined sugars, fruit juices, and apple sauce. The problem with simple carbs is that they promote a large insulin surge, which can lead to hypoglycemia.
Complex carbs are absorbed more slowly, so they don't cause as great an insulin surge as the simple type. Primary macronutrient source of energy in the body; burned as glucose and stored in muscle as glycogen. Carb counting is of paramount concern, because overcomsumption of carbohydrates get stored as fat. |
Carotenoids are natural fat-soluble pigments found in certain plants. Carotenoids provide the bright red, orange, or yellow coloration of many vegetables, serve as antioxidants, and can be a source for vitamin A activity. |
Cayenne pepper (also called Capsicum frutescens) is a stimulating herb made from the dried pods of chili peppers and is well known for distinct taste and smell. Cayenne is a popular spice used in many different styles of cooking and has also been used medicinally for thousands of years. Cayenne is often referred to as chili, which is the Aztec name for cayenne pepper.
The main medicinal properties of cayenne are derived from a chemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin is the ingredient which gives peppers their HEAT. A pepper's capsaicin content ranges from 0-1.5%. Peppers are measured according to heat units. The degree of heat determines the peppers' usage and value. Generally, the hotter the pepper, the more capsaicin it contains. In addition to adding heat to the pepper, capsaicin acts to reduce platelet stickiness and relieve pain.
Other constituents of cayenne are vitamins E, vitamin C and carotenoids. Ayurveda also utilizes cayenne to treat poor digestion and gas. Chinese medicine uses cayenne for digestive ailments. Today cayenne is used worldwide to treat a variety of health conditions, including poor circulation, weak digestion, heart disease, chronic pain, sore throats, headaches and toothache. |
Chamomile Root
The true or Common Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis) is a low-growing plant with leaves and flowers that grow a foot high. Chamomile is a natural sedative and is revered by tea lovers. It acts to soothe nerves as well as improve digestion and induce sleep. Historically, chamomile has long been used as a tranquilizer and has become a household necessity in reducing anxiety and improving the quality of sleep. It is also said that chamomile can be helpful in treating attention deficit disorder.
There are 3 types of Chamomile, which are Common, German, and Stinking. See MySleep, an all natural sleep aid that contains Chamomile. |
Chitosan is a natural product extracted from Chitin (by products of Crustacean shell extracts). Chitosan and chitin are waste products of the crab and shrimp industry. It can be used to inhibit fat digestion and as a drug delivery transport agent. It also has been used as a cholesterol lowering substance. Chitosan is marketed as a 'fat blocker'. It appears that it can impede fat absorption by 'gelling' with fat in the small intestine. Side effect of Chitosan is that since it is made from sea food, some people have allergic responses to it.
Also, you need a high concentration of Chitosan for it to 'gel' with fat. |
Chlorophyll is a proteinous compound that uses photosynthesis to convert the sunlight into chemical energy. Dr. Birscher, a research scientist states that chlorophyll “increases the function of the heart, impacts the intestines, uterus, lungs and vascular system.
Chlorophyll is so powerful it can purify the blood, support a healthy digestive tract, and detoxify many of our body’s congested vital organs. See AdaptoGreen+ for more information. |
Cholecalciferol is a form of Vitamin D, also called vitamin D3. |
Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance present in all parts of the body including the nervous system, skin, muscle, liver, intestines and heart. It is both made by the body and obtained from animal products in the diet. Cholesterol is manufactured in the liver for normal body functions including the production of hormones, bile acid and Vitamin D. It is transported in the blood to be used by all parts of the body. In the blood stream, cholesterol combines with fatty acids to form high-density (HDL) and low-density (LDL) lipoproteins. LDL's are considered the "bad cholesterol", since they can stick together to form plaque deposits on the walls of your blood vessels, leading to atherosclerosis. One-fourth of the adult population in the U.S. has high blood cholesterol levels.
More than half of the adult population has blood cholesterol levels that exceed the desirable range, as specified by the medical community. Elevated cholesterol often begins in childhood. Some children may be at higher risk than others due to a family history of high cholesterol. |
Chondroitin or Chondroitin Sulfate is a sulfated glycosaminoglycan composed of a chain of alternating sugars (N-acetylgalactosamine and glucuronic acid). A chondroitin chain can have over 100 individual sugars, each of which can be sulfated in variable positions and quantities. Understanding the functions of such diversity in chondroitin sulfate and related glycosaminoglycans is a major goal of glycobiology.
Chondroitin sulfate is an important structural component of cartilage and provides much of its resistance to compression. Along with glucosamine, chondroitin sulfate has become a widely used dietary supplement for treatment of osteoarthritis. See Joint Science for more information. |
Chromium Picolinate
Chromium Picolinate is an essential trace mineral found in many foods. Chromium Picolinate is widely used for its ability to burn carbohydrates and fat. Many experts believe it helps to regulate insulin production, which in turn normalizes blood sugar levels. When blood sugar is controlled, excessive appetite and cravings are greatly reduced. See HoodiaPlus for more information. |
Cobalamine or Vitamin B12 prevents anemia by regulating red blood cell formation and iron utilization. It aids in digestion and cell formation, promotes fertility, and prevents nerve damage by maintaining the sheaths that cover them. |
Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant that is shown to have heart protective and energy productive properties. COQ10 is involved in cellular energy production. Several studies have reported improved endurance after taking CoQ10. It is considered one of the best antioxidants. |
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)
Conjugated Linoleic Acid, or the acronym CLA for short, occurs naturally in organic whole milk and red meat. A collective term used to designate a mixture of positional and geometric isomers of the essential fat linoleic acid. It is actually a fat, derived from linoleic acid (an essential fatty acid). Studies have shown that CLA can increase lean body mass and decrease fat, inhibit the growth of tumors and enhance immune function. CLA is found naturally in organic beef, cheese and whole milk. |
Copper is a trace element that is essential for most animals, including humans. It is needed to absorb and utilize iron. The influence of copper upon health is due to the fact it is part of enzymes, which are proteins that help biochemical reactions occur in all cells.
Copper is involved in the absorption, storage and metabolism of iron. The symptoms of a copper deficiency are similar to iron deficiency anemia. Copper may be absorbed by both the stomach and small intestinal mucosa, with most absorbed by the small intestine. Copper is found in the blood bound to proteins. |
Cortisol is a catabolic hormone that is released and increases in response to stress when the body is subjected to trauma such as intense exercises, including weight training. Excess cortisol is known to increase catabolism (protein breakdown in muscles). Cortisol leads to muscle breakdown through promoting a release of muscle amino acids for transport to the liver, where the amino acids are coverted into glucose. |
Curcumin |
(Curcuma longa) Curcumin is the source of the spice Turmeric, and is used in curries and other spicy dishes from India, Asia, and the Middle East. Curcumin is what gives the Curry its characteristic bright yellow color and strong taste. Like many herbal remedies, people first used Curcumin as a food and later discovered that it also had impressive medicinal qualities.
Over the centuries, this spice has been used as a pain relieving, anti-inflammatory agent to relieve pain and inflammation in the skin and muscles. It has served as a treatment for jaundice, menstrual difficulties, hematuria, hemorrhage, colic, and flatulence. In modern times, research has focused on Curcumin's antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antimicrobial properties, and on its use in cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, and as a treatment for the liver. |